Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Entrepreneurial slideshow at slideshare

Wambo's Xavier Casanova shares his recent slideshow at Stanford's EE203, The Entrepreneurial Engineer at here. Wambo is an instant messaging system with persistence memory.

share2me for our friends from the Netherlands


share2me for our friends from Finland


ZDNet/CNET coverage of share2me's CEO

Erica Ogg has an article in CNET and ZDNet on Selling Shovels to Web2.0 Gold Miners (here and here) that quotes Nextumi/share2me CEO Mike Blackwell:
"Everybody keeps trying to get people to come to a new place, whether it's a new social network, new tool, whatever," said Mike Blackwell, CEO of Share2Me. "It's possible to do that, but generally that's really hard and takes lots of money and lots of time."

I find it interesting that several observers have viewed share2me as merely a "shovel" or a "widget" rather than the system that it is. The design of share2me understands that relationships exist where they exist and that they are the fundamental entity in getting to a trusted, smart web2.0 system. Trying to drive individuals to this or that site is a Web1.0 strategy if ever there was one. Despite the big money being paid for sites such as YouTube, the action for Web2.0 is between sites and it combines a profound respect for relationships, trust, and operational smarts and simplicity.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

One talk in an interesting series

Calvin the Venturer has a post about a motivational talk by Kevin Talbot of RBC Technology Ventures here. More information about RBC Tech Ventures is available here.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

share2me for our Italian speaking friends


The joys of faculty entrepreneurship

Being involved in a startup as an engineering faculty member has enriched my teaching and research. As a direct result of the entrepreneurial experience, I now teach two new classes , The Entrepreneurial Engineer and Creative Modeling for Tech Visionaries. My university research of late has been informed by my engagement with Nextumi and the world of the web. Even my genetic algorithms class got a dosage of reality therapy when I revised it in the fall, when I put in a section on commercial companies using GAs.

At my school, there are growing numbers of faculty entrepreneurs, but our numbers are still small. People probably see dollar signs when they think of faculty entrepreneurship, but what I see is relevant teaching and research tuned to the 21st century.

Friday, February 02, 2007

See share2me DEMO 07 video

Nextumi CEO Mike Blackwell does a bang up job describing the value of share2me in the DEMO 07 video (here).